Innolas SpitLight EVO S&I Diode Pumped OPOs


All InnoLas OPOs consist of an integrated robust Nd:YAG pumplaser with stable resonator structures and a maintenance free pumping chamber. β-BBO based nanosecond OPOs are especially appropriate for applications with the demand for high pulse energies in the VIS and NIR spectrum. They all come with an ultrafast and precise tuning device for pulse to pulse wavelength tunability within the whole emission spectra.

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  • Pulse to pulse tunable OPOs with wavelength ranges from 410 to 2500 nm and repetition rates up to 500 Hz
  • High OPO energies combined with high average power /up to 90 mJ / 10W)
  • Stable mechanical and optical setup in a compact monolithic housing containing both laser and OPO
  • Spitlight software, including wavelength calibration, to control the whole device
  • Remote client interface over TCP / IP for easy software integration
  • Many integrated options available like energy monitor, spectrometer, fiber coupling, fast attenuation, low divergence output or OPO harmonic generation (210 – 660 nm)

Model details